Request for Proposal

We have three options for you to obtain a proposal from Mystery Shopping Canada Inc.

1. Send an email to with a copy of your RFP or RFQ.

2. Call 1-800-752-1295, or send an email to and request a call back to discuss your program further.

3. Complete and submit the following form. There are no mandatory fields, however the more information you can supply, the more accurate our proposal.

We would like to thank you in advance for the opportunity to be of service to you.

First Name:
Last Name:
E-mail Address:
Company Name:
Company Website
How many locations do you plan to involve in your mystery shopper program?
Please list the cities and towns of these locations.
How frequently do you plan to shop each of these locations?

If you prefer, we can supply you with a variety of pricing options which may help you determine the frequency of visits.
Is your company currently using, or previously used Mystery Shoppers?
Yes No
Please provide us with any other information you feel would be helpful in providing you with an accurate proposal.
How did you find our website? Ie. Direct Mail, Google Search, Trade Magazine etc.